I remember one of the most powerful things my father ever said to me was “a bad workman always blames his tools”. I now look…
8 Top Life Hacks in Dubai
Have you noticed how we all have the same 24 hours in a day but some people can just get more done? Here are some…
Strictly Come Dancing Tips for Life and Business
“Noooooo that can’t be, it’s not fair” Michelle my wife shouts as her favourite contestant is thrown out of Strictly Come Dancing.. Strictly Come Dancing…
The rise and fail in social media groups
The rise and fail in Social Media groups The internet has allowed us to take massive steps in connecting like never before, in our local…
half job learning, half job success
I have taught Salsa for nearly 22 years as of the writing of this article. I still run a weekly salsa party where students can…
The price of everything and cost of nothing
When we buy something, we are only too quick to look at the price. What it costs us regarding monetary value. As a business owner,…