One of my clients was sharing her frustration the other day about a friend of hers. This friend has been having a bit of a tough time in business.
She has been calling and messaging him to see if he was ok or needed help. The person in question, however, had not replied for almost a week despite numerous efforts.
My friend understood that of course sometimes people just have a lot going on and that sometimes communication is just too much to ask and we do need to give people a chance.
After all, we never really know what people are going through.
However, in this case, the person had been regularly posting on Facebook both business and “silly” social comments.
It made me think that these days we are so visible in what we do and don’t do that we should be aware of this. We also need to be aware of how our actions and inactions can be impacting what people think of us.
In life we often rely heavily on the good will of others and this good will when needed can be urgent and important. Can we really afford to be burning bridges with people when they care about us?
What would you do in this scenario or wouldn’t it bother you?